Sunday, March 24, 2013

Singaporean food is amazing! There are so many cultures and different types of food all in one place. Today we went to the mall again (we do a lot of shopping and eating) and  of course I found my favorite store TopShop! Later we went to Chinatown were we had Dim Sum with all of our buddies. The food was really good although I wish I had asked for more details before I ate what they handed me... When my buddy pointed and said "chicken" I proceeded to put the whole thing in my mouth where I quickly found out that it wasn't really chicken, it was a foot of a chicken. Horrified I quickly spit out all of the bones and joints. Trying to recover from that experience I grabbed what looked like a dumpling. Everyone encouraged me to eat it so I knew something was up. And of course I later found out that I had eaten shark not chicken. Later that evening when I got back to my host family's condo we were having chicken rice for dinner which I was really excited about. My host mom handed me what I thought was a tiny piece of dark meet chicken. Yet again to my surprise it was actually the heart of a chicken! So i've become very weary about what chicken is actually chicken around here. But at least I can say I tried it! Super excited to visit HCI tomorrow although I've been advised not to wear my hot pink polo :( 

1 comment:

  1. I found out later the dessert that I had at the dim sum restaurant was frog ovaries! I was told it is good for the complexion... I think my skin does look extra smooth today : )
