Friday, March 29, 2013

Massive picture recap.

Sorry for the delay in posting pictures.   Here are a few highlights from the trip so far...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Singaporean food is amazing! There are so many cultures and different types of food all in one place. Today we went to the mall again (we do a lot of shopping and eating) and  of course I found my favorite store TopShop! Later we went to Chinatown were we had Dim Sum with all of our buddies. The food was really good although I wish I had asked for more details before I ate what they handed me... When my buddy pointed and said "chicken" I proceeded to put the whole thing in my mouth where I quickly found out that it wasn't really chicken, it was a foot of a chicken. Horrified I quickly spit out all of the bones and joints. Trying to recover from that experience I grabbed what looked like a dumpling. Everyone encouraged me to eat it so I knew something was up. And of course I later found out that I had eaten shark not chicken. Later that evening when I got back to my host family's condo we were having chicken rice for dinner which I was really excited about. My host mom handed me what I thought was a tiny piece of dark meet chicken. Yet again to my surprise it was actually the heart of a chicken! So i've become very weary about what chicken is actually chicken around here. But at least I can say I tried it! Super excited to visit HCI tomorrow although I've been advised not to wear my hot pink polo :( 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Awesome first day in Singapore! We were welcomed by very humid weather and my hair went instantly back into a braid... People told me that Singapore was hot and humid but you have no idea until you're actually there. My host family is adorable and took me straight to the mall so I could go shopping. They know me to well already (: The food also happens to be amazing. My lovely host, Clarissa says besides going to school they usually just shop and eat which sounds like a life I could get used too. Really looking forward to tomorrow since we are going to Chinatown, visiting Singapore river  and then more shopping! 

Friday, March 22, 2013

We're heeeeeerrrrrrreeeee

We have arrived in Singapore to a lovely, humid 90 degree day.

 Finally landed at the Doha airport! The 12 hour plane ride was much better than I expected and I didn't even watch a single movie thanks to my very chatty seat buddies. I'm pretty sure we talked until 2:30 in the morning. Now we are all hanging out in the airport for the next seven hours which has been a real party....Although I should probably being doing my homework to pass the time I think Newshaw and I are going to go look around the shops instead. I just wish I could read Arabic! All the websites I pull up are in Arabic and I can't read all the squiggly lines. It's now on my list of things to learn. Can't wait to get back on the plane so we can finally get there (: 

Dining in Doha

Halfway into our 7 hour layover in Doha, enjoying our complimentary meal (thank you Qatar Airways)